Why Bother Wisconsin?

Building an alliance of colleges turning Election Day into a class-free day of action.

Let’s turn Election Day into a class‑free day of action for college students.

The Why Bother, Wisconsin? class-free Election Day initiative

It is possible. Colleges can take an existing class-free day and reschedule it for Election Day. Or transform a class-free day for another college activity, and add a voting advocacy initiative.

Student presentations, community service, fun and games: the day can be for anything, so long as students also have the opportunity to vote.

Of course, they can! There are roughly 15 million undergrad students in the United States. With 4.5% of the population, those students have the power to shape the country’s future.

College students can choose to vote in their hometown or college home. They spread political ideas throughout the U.S. and promote positive change with the ballot.

Some do, yes, but not all: we want to change that! Some students have busy schedules with no time to vote or don’t have transportation to the polling place, or a single class absence could significantly affect their grades.

At its heart, Why Bother, Wisconsin? is working to remove barriers for students to vote. No student should have to choose between attending class or casting their ballot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Why Bother, Wisconsin?

Why Bother, Wisconsin? is an alliance of colleges and universities in the state, dedicated to making it easier for college students to vote while others make it more difficult.

We’re turning Election Day into a class-free day of civic action, and calling on other schools to do the same.

Why now?

Wisconsin recently passed a raft of voter restriction laws. The ease of voting — or difficulty — directly affects turnout. We want to make it as easy as possible for college students (and everyone) to vote, and then make it a habit forever.

But why bother? I do vote, but then politicians don’t keep their promises.

Yep. True. Thankfully, we only elect people for short periods of time, and voting is the first step to holding politicians accountable. If they don’t keep their promises, then you have the opportunity to vote against them next time.

Why cancel classes in presidential election years?

Democracies around the world make Election Day a national holiday, but the United States never has. By canceling classes, students can make voting a priority, as well as become election worker and give rides to the polls.

How can I get involved?

To join the Why Bother? Campaign and increase college voter turnout, please contact conliske@beloit.edu.

Be prepared for the next election.

Wisconsin 2024 spring elections

Spring Primary (if necessary): Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024
Spring Election: Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Wisconsin 2024 partisan and general elections

Partisan Primary: Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024
General Election: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024


Let’s check — are you registered to vote?

Type your address to check your registration status and research your ballot: